Businesses have reinvented a new normal in response to the pandemic. The new format of work reflects a shift from focus on output to focus on values critical to organisation success. The world has adjusted towards more flexible and sustainable models and business practices, which have led to changes in the ways companies address challenges. 


Companies have taken measures to address the challenges and uncertainty in the workplace and focus on transitioning to a more agile workforce for the future. 

It can be argued that at its’ core, workplace transformation is about people and the journey can begin by considering people’s needs and workplace cultures in order to help define the path forward.


What is intentional transformation?

Transformation is made up of more than just a business strategy. The process must start with a real consideration of the needs of the people and culture, and how these can be best addressed to move forward. Change managers should consider the following:

What kind of organisation do we want to build?
What kind of talent of the future do we want to attract?


Become a skills-based organisation:

Companies will continue to experience ongoing labour and skill shortages across many industries so buying and retaining talent with the right skills needed to deliver will be a greater priority. Addressing skills gaps will require a strong understanding of the external labour market and internal capabilities.

Leaders need to consider the switch from traditional strategic workforce planning to strategic skills planning. Instead of asking ‘how many people do I need for this department?’ consider asking ‘what kind of skill set is required and how can I quantify the skillset I need for this particular type of task?’


The following questions need to be explored thoroughly when addressing any skill gaps across the organisation:

What skills are we purchasing and in what quantity?
Are there skill gaps across the organisation?
Are critical skills plentiful or rare?
What skills risks are we buying into? 
Will we be able to deliver on short- and medium-term growth?
What are the post-close skills/talent needs we will need to invest in?
How do we best match skills to roles at speed and scale?


On leadership:

The balance of interpersonal connection and implementing a thoughtful strategy can be difficult to navigate. So, how do you ensure you are delivering effective leadership?

Ultimately, a successful leader must have the drive to relentlessly pursue positive change within the organisation that they lead. It is possibly the most important trait to embody, as leading a team through uncertainty whilst simultaneously implementing a strategy to achieve positive results, requires both ambition and commitment.

A clear head and a strong focus on the task at hand is imperative. Avoid a transactional mentality and make sure the effort is made to build strong relationships with the team. It’s also important to take care of your physical health, social and wellbeing needs so that you have the energy required to lead and manage a team.